The Importance of a Good Prenatal Class

The Importance of a Good Prenatal Class

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Have you ever thought to yourself, “giving birth is not that complicated, I really don’t think I need a prenatal class”? Or maybe you thought that prenatal classes would freak you out, or even gross you out!

You aren’t alone in thinking that way.

But we don’t want you to skip your prenatal class! We know that sounds a little self-serving, but finding a good prenatal class that fits your needs is SO important. Because as much as childbirth is natural doesn’t mean you know what will happen. And in the moment, not knowing what is going on can make things seem very scary, even if they are routine.

So what are your choices for a prenatal class?

Well, you have several options! Public health classes are one option, as are MotherCraft, your birthing hospital, the Ottawa Birth Centre, and even the Ottawa Public Library.

But those classes can be limiting.

You see, not all prenatal classes are created equal. Some will be amazing, and some will leave you scratching your head. We’ve even heard of people getting outdated information at a class.

We want you to choose a prenatal class that suits the needs of your family, as well as one that provides you with up-to-date, Canadian, evidence-based information. Recommendations in birth and parenting can change frequently and quickly, and it is important to know that you are getting the latest information.

For many families, the classes that last days or even weeks will not fit their schedule. After all, who has 4-6 Wednesday evenings in a row free!?! For those families, private prenatal classes may be the best option!

Our prenatal class is BRAND NEW. In fact, it only launched as of January 1, 2020.

Why did we change our prenatal class? To bring it up to date and make it inclusive of course!

What are some of the benefits to a private class you ask? Great question! Benefits include:

  • a time and date that is most convenient for you

  • a customized curriculum that addresses any specific questions you may have

  • be in the comfort of your own home - eat, drink, get up and move, snuggle your dog, and be there when the Amazon Prime package arrives

  • our own curriculum based on current best practices, and recommendations from Health Canada, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, Health Canada, the Canadian Paediatric Society, and the Association of Ontario Midwives

  • no need to be embarrassed about asking questions, it is just you and your educator!

The benefits to private classes can be endless. For anyone on bedrest, working non-traditional hours, who have partners that are not able to attend outside classes, or who is nervous about group classes, booking a private class can be the difference between not attending any class at all, and going into your birth feeling informed and aware.

At the end of your class, you will feel ready to give birth (even if it’s not quite time yet!). Our Birth Basics class covers:

  • stages of labour

  • anatomy of birth

  • common coping strategies

  • common interventions and medical options

  • communicating with your medical team

  • tips for your support team

  • the ‘Golden Hour’ after birth

  • and more!

Do you know someone else who is interested in prenatal classes? Do you have several friends who are all expecting at the same time? Semi-private and in-home group classes are an option! Contact us for semi-private and group pricing.

What are you waiting for? Book your prenatal class!

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